ADD babble anyone...

Originally posted by goldengloves88@Jul 19 2006, 01:06 AM
i hear that... i actually think that he is BI... scary... :unsure:
Wil I can vouch that you are the only guy he's ever had feelings for.
Originally posted by goldengloves88@Jul 19 2006, 01:06 AM
i hear that... i actually think that he is BI... scary... :unsure:
Yep. And I want your little boys...
and mel's kinda shy, but i'm sure you could bring the wild side out of her if you try :angel:
Originally posted by andy@Jul 19 2006, 01:18 AM
What in God's fucking name is your avatar, Anthony!?
It's an ellipsis, tool.

Haha did we seriously scare Wil off? COME BACK DUDE.

And ps it don't take much to bring out my wild side. *drops trou*
Originally posted by dascoot@Jul 18 2006, 10:20 PM

And ps it don't take much to bring out my wild side. *drops trou*
*snaps pic* BLACKMAIL! :ph34r: although you do that too frequently to really get any mileage out of it.... :lol: