2004 Volvo XC90 "Seven"

Ok, finally saw this one. It's not about a particular model as they keep flashing pictures of vaqrious models throughout the ad.

It has a faint semi-hardrock riff that I don't recognize playing in the background.

I'll look for more on it.
Yeah, I know what song you mean, there's another thread about it.

The same music is also in the background of the South Park Season 3 DVD commercials on Comedy Central, if it helps anybody.
the most recent volvo ad i saw (unable to decipher the one u described) was done by paul oakenfold "starry eyed surprise" (album: bunkka)
I am desperately trying to identify the music used in one of the first US Volvo XC90 ads. The ad shows a very suburban setting with the vehicle being used by a family, but it's all cut very quickly.

The music sounds like a cover of a 60s or 70s song, with a jangly guitar riff over a more modern beat. The riff is very familiar, but for the life of me, I cannot place it.

Help please! :lol:

UPDATE: More confusion. I had searched these forums and seen that people had identified the music in the "All Wheel Drive" ads (featureing several Volvo models) as being "Starry Eyed Surprise" by Paul Oakenfold. However, when I looked at Volvo US website they have the ad I am referring to (titled "Seven") and they claim that "Starry Eyed Surprise" is the music in THAT ad. The music in "Seven" and "All Wheel Drive" are different. Who is right? The folks here ... or Volvo?

If the folks here are right, then the song in "Seven" is still unidentified.

Check the ad for "Seven."

However, I think more searching has given me reason to think the song I am looking for is indeed "Starry-Eyed Surprise." I checked Amazon.com reviews and they referred to the song using a sample from "Everybody's Talking" guitar riff ... which is exactly what I am hearing in the song.

So ... for those folks who were looking for the music in the "All Wheel Drive" ads ... the answer is probably NOT "Starry-Eyed Surprise." :(
That's Starry Eyed Surprise, Paul Okenfold, 100 percent sure.

I have the CD, and I know that that's the song. Just edited so it doesn't play words.
Yes, I agree... The ad for "Seven" uses "Starry Eyed Surprise" by Paul Oakenfold, album "Bunka."