Recent content by robotwearswingtips

  1. R

    Army Reserves

    cool -thanks all! seann.out
  2. R

    Army Reserves

    not sure of the channel- i don't really watch TV- i was just passing through the room, but it was probably when my mom had on dr. phil or something... so whatever channel that may be. :) i'll try to contact that office- hopefully i'll find it out. thanks anyway guys- cool site Michelle! seann.out
  3. R

    Army Reserves

    ok- figured i'd give it one more try- it's been a couple weeks since i posted... hopefully had time to "simmer" and maybe someone else saw it... please... help me... :)
  4. R

    Army Reserves

    trying once more- TTT
  5. R

    Army Reserves

    come on.... anyone have any ideas? thanks
  6. R

    Army Reserves

    thanks Metro- that's a start- (i know i'm not insane and imagined it!!!) LOL anyone have any ideas where/who/what i could contact for info- or does anyone have a copy of the commercial? ....hell- i'd take just an audio track. thanks- seann.out
  7. R

    Army Reserves

    sorry Michelle- didn't see the question until today... i don't think there are any lyrics- at least none that i heard- i only caught a couple seconds of the commercial and if i had heard vocals- that would be entirely too easy for everyone! ;) the genre was mellow rock- but i think it had...
  8. R

    Army Reserves

    anything... anybody? :unsure: bueller... bueller... bueller... thanks
  9. R

    Army Reserves

    ok- got one for y'all... heard the song in question this weekend... i think it was in a commercial shows an empty office cubicle, an empty auto mechanics work station, and an unused table in a factory workshop, with such descriptions as: "Currently training new Iraqi police officers" or...