Recent content by mcmcmc

  1. M

    Help with this song from the 70's (I think)

    Thanks doctormemory, but i figured out what it wasss. Bennie and the Jets by Elton John. I'm kind of embarassed I didn't realise it was him. :unsure:
  2. M

    Help with this song from the 70's (I think)

    OK, sorry for the double post, but i can't find the edit button :S. I had to fix the notes up. The commas are there just to hold the keys in place.
  3. M

    Help with this song from the 70's (I think)

    It's an old song, i believe from the 70's or 80's. The music is mostly a bunch of piano chords, and at one part, it sounds like the singer is yelling "betty, betty, betty, betty" or something like this. If you can read music, there's one part where the singer goes (not singing any words, just...
  4. M

    Woo hoo

    blur played song 2 at timesquare on newyears! they looked kinda creepy tho...
  5. M

    Porter Airlines

    bump! I wanna know this!!
  6. M

    Telus song

    He's just trying to help by narrowing it down...
  7. M

    Hip Hop Dance Youtube Video

    Woohoo thanks~! :)
  8. M

    Hip Hop Dance Youtube Video

    I'd like to know what the second song is too!
  9. M

    Blissful 497

    What. The. Hell?
  10. M

    Rimmel London Lipstick Kate Moss pink umbrella

    Um, i can't edit my post, but i made a mistake. Those are the NAMES of the songs. Not the artists. My bad. And sorry for the double post too <_<
  11. M

    Rimmel London Lipstick Kate Moss pink umbrella

    Not sure what the names of the songs are, but there are 2 commercials, and the artists for the songs are: Rock 'N' Roll Queen and The Sun
  12. M

    Probable Impossible Challenge

    DMX has a version of eye of the tiger too.
  13. M

    Olay ribbons

    Not sure what the song is, but canada rocks! (I'm assuming you're canadian)
  14. M

    I Love This Place

    This site's been a huge help!! Long live!
  15. M

    Song I Keep Hearing

    Yeah, you're probably thinking about Cobra Style - Teddybears Stockholm, cause i NEVER hear bawitidaba on the radio.