Recent content by lxPrIsMxl

  1. L

    Cingular Blackjack

    That's it, it's Anjali - stringing sitars. Thanks soo soo much!!!!!!! :D [Admin Edit: Do not post files. This is not a file sharing forum. Refer to the Forum Rules]
  2. L

    Cingular Blackjack

    Yeah, That's almost the same question but it hasn't been answered, so I was tring to be more specific...... So does anyone know what the name of the song is in the ad?
  3. L

    Cingular Blackjack

    What is the name of song or soundtrack for the new cingular blackjack ad, with the hands flipping the phones around like a deck of cards...... Cool ad but I really want to know the song name.......... HELP!!!! :(