Recent content by kndarlow413

  1. K

    WWE WrestleMania

    Anybody have an idea what song is being played in this promo? I don't know if it's something composed just for this ad. or a real would be nice :D
  2. K

    Guitar Hero 3 with Slash

    Thanks :)
  3. K

    Guitar Hero 3 with Slash

    I tried...but it doesn't appear that the TV spot is anywhere on youTube...has anybody else seen it?
  4. K

    Guitar Hero 3 with Slash

    Anybody know what song is being played in the newest Guitar Hero 3 commercial w/ Slash? I can't find the song on my Setlist and was curious to what song is being played in that commercial. Thanks.
  5. K


    I think you're talking about the commercial with the woman on the hammock, song's a bit latin-esque. I'd like to know the song for that one too.
  6. K

    Hennessy Cognac

    Damn...I'm surprised that this fielded so least some closure was found.
  7. K

    Hennessy Cognac

    Is that an actual song, or just something they mixed themselves?
  8. K

    Apple iPod 2007

    Never mind.....I can't delete my own posts....sorry.
  9. K

    Apple iPod 2007

    Yeah I saw that's not that one :(
  10. K

    Apple iPod 2007

    There is a new ipod commercial with very vibrant colored silhouettes, with a alt/punk rockish sounding please?
  11. K


    sry for the double can be found at this link in case...
  12. K


    I don't know if the spot played on TV, but the "official trailer" for DOAX2 (it shows the Team NINJA intro right at the start) has this realllllly catchy song and I have no idea what it please?