Recent content by Kate1969

  1. K

    Lexus IS 350

    Yes I'm sure this is it!! Thank you so much!
  2. K

    Lexus IS 350

    I too am looking for this song!
  3. K

    CSI Season 7

    Wow Thank you so much for the fast replies!
  4. K

    CSI Season 7

    Hey All, I'm looking for one of the songs played in tonight's brand new CSI. It was played during the scene where Grissom and the other Lab tech were testing the old woman's alcohol. It was a woman singing and it had a very jazzy feel. The lyrics were something like "tell your mother, your...
  5. K

    CSI Season 7

    Hi All! I'm looking for a song played during tonight's (Thursday) episode of CSI. There isnt much to go on, other than it was a female singer and it was played while Catherine was testing something in the lab. Maybe somebody knows it? Very catchy tune. Thanks a lot!
  6. K

    Chevrolet Cobalt "Johnny"

    This is the same song I was looking for as well! Anyone?
  7. K

    America's Next Top Model Season 1

    Has anybody figured out the Theme Song to ANTM?
  8. K

    Chevy Aveo

    Everyone else seems to remember more lyrics than me because all I can remeber is "And I just cant stop...."
  9. K

    Chevy Aveo

  10. K

    Chevy Aveo

    Hi all, I hope this question hasnt already been answered, I did a search and nothing relevant came up so i hope Im first to ask this: There is a new Chevy Aveo commercial out with an old woman eyeing a new Aveo. She imagines she steals the car and manages to pick up a good looking guy with the...
  11. K

    Nike running "do more"

    I was looking for this too, it has a very European sound and i love it Any help?
  12. K

    Diane Commerical

    Im looking for a song in a commercial and i think the product is called Diane, it looks like an skin product like Accutane but im not sure. Anyways the song is sung by a male and it has a RnB Sound. The lyrics are something like: "Let;s Vibe together, Ride together, come on let's Vibe together...
  13. K

    What a Girl Wants

    Thanks so much that was it!
  14. K


    How about the song they all sing together in the van? Anyone know that one?
  15. K

    What a Girl Wants

    It's probably in there since i only checked the soundtrack listings, ill tell you though when I've given them all a listen Thanks!