Recent content by julezvern

  1. J

    Clean and Clear Oil Absorbing Sheets

    Clean & Clear oil Absorbing Sheets Commercial from 1998. Does anyone know the name of the song playing in the background of this clean & clear commercial from 1998? Here is the Link:
  2. J

    Clean and Clear Oil Absorbing Sheets

    Clean & Clear Oil Absorbing Sheets Does anyone know the song playing in the background of this Clean & Clear commerical? The commercial starts off with two girls in a photo booth. While getting their picture taken, they are applying clean & clear oil abosrbing sheets, while the song is playing...
  3. J

    Clean and Clear Oil Absorbing Sheets

    Hello everyone. I just wanted to know if anybody knew the name of the song playing in the background of a Clean & Clear oil absorbing sheets commercial. It starts out with two women entering a photo booth. The both of them sit inside the photo booth taking pictures while the blonde actor applies...