Recent content by Christian

  1. C

    If Only, song...NEED HELP -- Answered

    Found the was David unreleased demo...can be found here it is called is a very nice song!!!
  2. C

    If Only, song...NEED HELP -- Answered

    and it is not Fiction Plane from the Soundtrack to Holes...
  3. C

    If Only, song...NEED HELP -- Answered

    Hi Guys, I need help, I had a song on my computer, but it got deleted in a clean up...and now I cannot find it... It is called If Only, or that was the title in the download I think, it was a legal download, maybe a was 2:31 minutes long...a man with a great voice and a piano...
  4. C

    Manchurian Candidate

    I found out that they are using the same bell in the PC game Allie Assault, but the melody is not the same...but I also though I had heard that bell before, and then just found out of it recently...
  5. C

    VW Volkswagen Touareg

    Sirocco...was also a VW model, and that is a word to for the wind going across the dessert...anyway Richard Buckner is the I cannot remember the name of the song...but you can search for Buckner
  6. C

    VW Volkswagen Touareg

    it is right here Richard Buckner....
  7. C

    Chevy or Dodge

    oh, it is Cadillac...Well I was watching the extra features on School of Rock, where Jack Black says that Led Zeppelin was notorius for not selling out of their catalog, but by begging in front of 1000 people, while videotaping it, Jack Black got permission to use a song in the movie...
  8. C

    Nike Lance Armstrong Yundi Li piano

    I saw the ad, it does actually look like Lance in the final scene where the camera looks at the man sitting at the piano in the bike close (later it pans up from the floor and it is the pianist when you pass the top of the piano) screen is not the best but it does look like Lance...
  9. C

    VW Volkswagen Touareg

    I got his album Bloomed, and just listened to holds up the whole way through...
  10. C

    Chevy or Dodge

    I was watching a truck commercial, I think it was Chevy...the music sounded a lot like the intro to a Led Zeppelin song, the fast drums...and it cuts off right before Plant would be singing...I thought that Led Zeppelin did not "sell out" like that...but are there different rules when it is only...
  11. C

    VW Volkswagen Touareg

    I NBC does not go through very it would be a long time before I heard it again...
  12. C

    The Royal Tenenbaums

    But it is still a good song though ;-)!!! I am all excited when they use a Van Morrison song and it seems to kind of fit (not sure if it did with Tennenbaums)... (Patch Adams did, Bridget Jones diary did too, but the Crowe/Meg Ryan movie was kind of a strange fit, but it made me rediscover a...
  13. C

    50 First Dates

    If you cannot find an album under his real name...then try to look for IZ...I think it was also used in the Devils Advocate (One of the more famous movies...and everyone in Hawaii was happy that it got attention outside of the state...) IZ passed away some years ago...
  14. C

    Manchurian Candidate

    I cannot really make anything out from the bells yet, but I remember Wycleaf Jean is performing Fogerty's Fortunate Son in the movie...(But I guess that is not the one you are looking for???)
  15. C

    VW Volkswagen Touareg

    It is officially Richard Buckner ;-)...if you search for Richard Buckner Ariel Ramirez...his personal Web site comes up in the list saying that this song will be used in a VW commercial (clicking on the link though only takes you to a site with short musicclips on it, and not the info you saw in...