Recent content by A2L

  1. A

    Coke commerical

    I posted about this commercial months ago and nobody could help me, well they finally have it on their site. Go to and to the right click on the new tv ads link. Find the one where it's about the guys making the documentary, i've been seeing it on TV more as of late so...
  2. A

    Coke commerical

    thanks but that wasn't it. I don't remember anything about a band... coulda swore it was like 2 guys and 2 girls... and also it was a male narratting during the commercial. The car looked kinda like the one in the commercial i was thinking about.. dunno about any snow though... Thanks for...
  3. A

    Coke commerical

    Ok, I only saw it once and expected to see it again... but with no luck. So from what I recall.... It has 3-5 teens to late adults with a car... showing them living their lives or on a road trip talking about either life or their goals or something... has some high toned guitar chords playing...