your FACE~!


daydreamer extraordinaire
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no no no i wasn't insulting you, saying "your FACE" á la "your mutha"...

check out this site: my heritage

i thought you guys might have fun with it. it scans a picture of your face and tells you what celebrity faces you most look like. have fun!
It's broken. My closest match was Angelina Jolie. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
haha i got her too~! but i keep getting this indian tennis star more so than angelina. i think it messed up on the angelina part w/ me. i don't see it. it's funny to look at the male counterparts.
It wouldn't give me any males! It's the beta though, I think all it did was look at the position my head was in cause all the people I got were turned slightly in the same direction I was.
Gnight everybody, I'm really worn out. :kiss: :zzz:

Nice seeing ya leone :)
Do you have a good head-on picture? I tried one where I'm turned slightly to the side and it gave me every celebrity in the same position.
After I upload my pic, the next page won't load. damn dial-up! I'm gonna try again.
I tried 3 different email addresses and it keeps saying they're wrong! Fine, I didn't want to see results that much anyway. :angry:
LOL, I get the most random people!!! Old-school Sigourney Weaver, Michelle Pfeiffer, Britney Spears when she was like 8, Naomi Watts, Elizabeth Taylor, and Eleanor Roosevelt! :lol: