Verizon Broadband "Richer Deeper Broader" rap concert

There's a great electronics ad that's been out for a few months. It's for a home stereo system, and shows people doing every-day things like ironing, taking a bath, fixing dinner, etc. in the middle of a concert. The song is GREAT but I don't know what it is. Or even whose ad this is! Any help would be appreciated.
What's the name and artist of the song from that Comcast commercial where there's a girl dancing and ironing in the middle of a rap concert? Also, there's a guy in a tub scrubbing himself all while there's a rap concert going on. It's a Comcast commercial about being able to watch music videos on the internet or something. I think the narrator says something like "it's like getting front row seats to all your favorite concerts" or something like that.

I hope that's enough info for you all to know what commercial I'm talking about. So, what's that song and who are the rappers?
I'm sorry, I made a mistake. It wasn't a Comcast commercial, it was a Verizon Broadband commercial. Anyone know the name of the rapper or the song?
The other (Push-Promotions) links no longer work, at least for me - not even on Ddubble Impactt's official site (, but you can hear their music there, or on their my space page (


I went insane (practically) looking for info on these guys, then losing the links, finding them again, losing the links again - now I'm just trusting in AdTunes and all of you.
Rap Concert/Telecommunications Commercial

Ok, I am dying here trying to figure this out. About 2 years ago, there was a commercial with a company that I do not remember. I believe, however, it was a telecommunication-type company (Verizon, comcast, etc). Here was the premise of the commercial:

There was a rap band on the stage at a concert singing a very catchy tune. In the audience of the concert, there were people dancing to the music, but while dancing, they were doing things at home (one guy was dancing while ironing his clothes, another woman was dancing while looking in her fridge, one taking a bath, etc, etc).

So the crowd is having a great time, but the people doing their "household" things were spotlighted.

I will be forever indebted to anyone who can help me!!!
Re: Rap Concert/Telecommunications Commercial

or the group is called ddouble...

"Move Alot" by ddouble

Get it at.

or is it D Double E???

or is it ddouble impactt

