Top 5 Edward Norton Roles


Sweet Disposition
Reaction score
1. American History X (all-time top 5!)

For me, this is a very difficult movie to watch. His performance is above and beyond anything he's done before and after.

2. Primal Fear (have you seen a more promising debut?)

3. Keeping The Faith (soft spot - his directorial debut/fantastic soundtrack btw)

4. The Painted Veil (Watts + Norton = perfection)

5. Fight Club ('meh'ish...I like it but #5 is actually The 25th Hour!)

Rounders lacked some serious depth. I bought the damn DVD and I watch it occassionally but I always leave feeling like it's missing something.

I haven't seen The Score. Apparently Norton is the only reason TO see it. You tell me. Haven't seen Down in the Valley or Kingdom of Heaven...*shrug*

Red dragon...what to say...I liked Hopkins...I like Norton's bleach blond hair because you know he lives in Florida right on the water...Ralph Fiennes was the most interesting character in my opinion.

The Illusionist was good. Usually I'm so easily sucked into movies I can't even begin to try and figure out what is going on. I just enjoy the movie on its own terms. In this case, my mind began running about halfway through and I figured it out before it got near the end.

The People vs. Larry Flynt, I might have to watch that again. I wonder if anyone caught any communicable diseases from Courtney Love while filming that movie...

Italian Job- NO - Death to Smoochy - NO - Frida - NO - Everyone Says I Love You - NO
I don't really have a top 5 because I haven't seen everything he's ever been in, but I do love him just the same. My favorite, by far, is 25th Hour. He's amazing in that movie.
American History X

Red Dragon

Primal Fear

The Score

Fight Club
Originally posted by thesassycynic@Mar 27 2008, 11:50 AM
I don't really have a top 5 because I haven't seen everything he's ever been in, but I do love him just the same. My favorite, by far, is 25th Hour. He's amazing in that movie.
Ok pick your favorite actor and a top 5 list. I think Norton is the best actor of our generation. Clearly other people think differently here. So I'd like to hear some opinions. Anyone..
Well...he is one of my favorite actors. I just haven't seen stuff like The Score or Primal Fear. I own 25th Hour, American History X, Fight Club, and The Italian Job. And I've seen The Illusionist, Keeping the Faith, Death To Smoochy, and parts of Rounders. But I guess I wouldn't really put all of those on my list because the only ones I thought were really good were 25th Hour, American History X, The Illusionist, and Fight Club. The other movies were just ok and I guess even with him in them, they weren't great movies. I suppose I could give you my top 4, then. :P

4. The Illusionist

3. Fight Club

2. American History X

1. 25th Hour

On a sidenote, I refuse to see The Incredible Hulk as I just think he's wasting his time doing shit comic movies when he could be doing other awesome movies instead. <_< And I also refused to see Red Dragon because I don't agree with making prequels and sequels to movies 10+ years after the original came out. Makes me angry. :angry: Furthermore, you could technically have a favorite actor who hasn't even done 5 movies in which case you wouldn't be able to answer the question in the first place. For instance, I love Cillian Murphy, but I've only seen 3 movies he's been in.
O yea he's awesome

Ive seen Batman Begins, Red Eye and Sunshine

Call me crazy, but I kinda like James Franco
Philip Seymour Hoffman......Really a great actor though rarely plays lead not always in blockbuster movies. The one lead I can think of was Capote for which he snagged the Oscar. Too bad he was the only good thing about the movie. :P

Almost Famous

Patch Adams

Scent of a Woman


Red Dragon
If you like Phil, definitely see Before The Devil Knows Your Dead.
Originally posted by thesassycynic@Mar 28 2008, 03:28 AM
Well...he is one of my favorite actors. I just haven't seen stuff like The Score or Primal Fear. I own 25th Hour, American History X, Fight Club, and The Italian Job. And I've seen The Illusionist, Keeping the Faith, Death To Smoochy, and parts of Rounders. But I guess I wouldn't really put all of those on my list because the only ones I thought were really good were 25th Hour, American History X, The Illusionist, and Fight Club. The other movies were just ok and I guess even with him in them, they weren't great movies. I suppose I could give you my top 4, then. :P

4. The Illusionist

3. Fight Club

2. American History X

1. 25th Hour

On a sidenote, I refuse to see The Incredible Hulk as I just think he's wasting his time doing shit comic movies when he could be doing other awesome movies instead. <_< And I also refused to see Red Dragon because I don't agree with making prequels and sequels to movies 10+ years after the original came out. Makes me angry. :angry: Furthermore, you could technically have a favorite actor who hasn't even done 5 movies in which case you wouldn't be able to answer the question in the first place. For instance, I love Cillian Murphy, but I've only seen 3 movies he's been in.
I understand that the movie may not be great, but his performance may stand out.

Pick your favorite then.
Brought this thread back to say that the newer Hulk was great, and Edward Norton was amazing as always. Has anyone seen Pride and Glory? I haven't had a chance yet.
Brought this thread back to say that the newer Hulk was great, and Edward Norton was amazing as always. Has anyone seen Pride and Glory? I haven't had a chance yet.
Thought the new Hulk was okay -- better than the previous Eric Bana film.

I have been a fan of his since I worked on the ad campaign for American History X years ago. ;)
Yes, he's amazing and that was an excellent movie. Primal Fear was another one of my favorites.
can't think much for a top 5, he's been great all the time but his role in American History X is excellent, pure classic!