The Simpsons Season 5


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Ok. This one should be easy, but I am not having any luck finding the song.

In this episode Granpa Simpson is in love with Marge's mother (Beuvia or something another) but so is Mr. Burns. Long story short, Grandma and Burns are at the alter, Grandpa breaks up the wedding, Grandma and Grandpa jump on a bus back to the retirement home. On the bus there is a song playing that is most likely Simon and Garfunkle. The lyrics go something along the lines:

Hello Grandfather my old friend, your busy day is at an end.....

Does anybody know what song this is?

All help is greatly appreciated.
The "Sound of Silence" was my first guess as well. However, there are no lyrics close to these in the version I downloaded from itunes (nor are there any in the listed lyrics on the net). Could there be another version of the song?
They might have redone it for that episode. The lines nearly match the beginning of The Sound of Silence. Grandfather instead of darkess, etc. <_<
Ummm....Ok. I figured it out. It is a knock off of the sound of silence written for that episode of the simpsons. I just caught the one line and thought it had some depth, instead it's a parody. Goes to show how sophisticated I am.
This may be a tough one, but does anyone know what the song is that the Swedish kid in the Simpson's is singing when he's lock up in the swinging cage in the classroom in the "Sweet Smore Skinner's Baadasssss Song" episode. It's toward the end right before Skinner gets his job back. Thanks for any help!!
it was real quick...but i think it was something like "foree adora...", not sure if that's how you would spell it...
Oh, it wasn't in English? Yeah this may be a tough one. I would probably have to see a clip of it but maybe someone here will know.
It's 2 songs from the "homer goes into space" episode, when he's eating the chips, he bites to the melody of the classical tune. And then the other one that i have been searching forever to find is at the end of the episode when you see like a baby homer in a bubble or something and the musics like "dooooooom DOOOOOOOM DOOOOOOOM!!!!! DOOOM,DOOOM, and then the drums "booooom booooom, boooom boooom" :blink:
Wow, it's been a long time but I believe the potato chip song was "The Blue Danube" and the end music was the "Also Sprach Zarathustra", better known as "Theme from 2001". Actually, both songs were used in the movie '2001: A Space Odyssey' so you can check 'em both out on the soundtrack at Amazon, tracks 2 and 9 :)

EDIT: EEK! I just realized that the sound sample available for "The Blue Danube" doesn't contain those four measures the EVERYONE recognizes :P so I'm trying to find one that does :unsure: