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Okay hopefully people have realized...............

Most people that find this site stuble upon it by accident, they are just trying to find a quick answer to that mysterious song that they love ! So of course they are not going to figure out the gist of this site (like navigating around and using the search correctly) so instead they leave a quick simple "who sings this" topic, so get over it and answer the questions even if it is repeated two million times in another thread the page before ;) They DGAF and niether should you.

Just to how :usesearch: will help someone if they:
1...Don't know the song/ditty
2...Don't catch the words
3...Can't recognize the band/group/singer(s)
4...The "search engine" isn't updated with the latest greatest episode

If one is looking for something from last year, then yes it tends to work somewhat well,

Would be nice to expand the search engine capabilities to actually allow a string of words though, ....

Got to remember as was previously posted, people are looking for a quick fix, and if they were to insert what they're saying in to the search, it would invariably always come up with 0 results returned..

Have to agree with the OP though....

Originally posted by Dluzional@Sep 27 2007, 06:17 PM
Just to how :usesearch: will help someone if they:
1...Don't know the song/ditty
2...Don't catch the words
3...Can't recognize the band/group/singer(s)
4...The "search engine" isn't updated with the latest greatest episode
And how will people be able to solve it for you if you cannot provide any of that information?
To people in So Cal the whole DGAF thing is a little more than just words.
I was trying not to be so crass. and Brazen.

:lol: People that think their tiny little circle is representative of an entire region and that their tiny little opinions should be shared by all make me laugh.

Thank you. :lol: :lol:
If that is so, then don't post. Otherwise you completely are a hypocrite.

If someone was an Aussie and called you a bloke or used the expression 'Ah bloody hell' would represent a certain geographical area. You can't change a way a person talks, or types. This site isn't used specifically to one person's liking !

to note : This place most deff isn't a place to be gained from by sharring their opinons "to all". There isn't that many people in this to begin with. And as far as So Cal being a tiny little circle, oh I wish they would move here. There are too many people here....I am afraid this place will take over all....
damn borders CLOSE THEM !
lol're not terribly bright are you? I never said SC was a tiny little circle.

I've lived here longer than you've been alive in more places than you've contemplated visiting. From the desert to the sea and from the border to Bakersfield and never heard anyone say Dee Gee Ayy Eff. It must be something said in YOU'RE tiny little circle from whatever tiny little corner YOU probably rarely leave. Hardly representative of all of us.

......and you did say we shouldn't GAF either thereby telling us what our opinions should be.

If you're not TRYING to be funny........well I'm not going to apologize for laughing. :P
Since you are so much older.....
Which you would have NO idea of in the first place, then Ay get L.I.F.E. !

And a 4.35 is a damn good GPA !
Which I don't even think is possible in public schools.

Hillarious how these 'Senior members' are blastful. What a kick


Give them something to talk about obviouslly.
And who the hell ever wanted an apology,
You can have your very own opinon, Congrats !

And as far as visting the desert to sea to, I was in Bakersfield last week and then the mountains of Crestline just yesterday and next week to the beaches of Carmel. But why be confined to these walls of CALIFORNIA, oh thats right we are going on our cruise to Baja in December and I've already charted the Eastern Europe area of my nationality ;)

:lol: Not trying to blast you. Just laughing at you for trying to speak for the rest of us. :P
I was speaking for myself...
Just letting anyone know not to worry and stress over people having no clue how to use this site.
Mehhhhhhh we don't stress around here much. Not sure what you're referring to unless it's the links posted to already answered questions. Sometimes there's a nudge about using search included but we all do it to help the admins more than anything else. ;)

Stick around you'll see. Some very cool and bright people here. :D

Plus there are areas of this site that you can't see yet and that you might like. :usesearch: :P
It's because I'm utterly BEAUTIFUL....
My name is Valene Marie
Lovely to met all yall asses
(I say that with love)


Originally posted by wickedstangschick+Sep 27 2007, 03:03 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (wickedstangschick @ Sep 27 2007, 03:03 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-givemfitz@Sep 27 2007, 01:37 PM
YOU'RE tiny little circle
YOU'RE = You Are [/b][/quote]
Yeah I know. I do that all the time when typing and never when writing. Same with two to and too AND they're their and there. Never have figured out why. :P

If you stick around you'll noticed many of my posts have an edit caption at the bottom. It's to correct such grammatical errors. The ones I notice anyway.

I can't type for shit. :lol:
I got the 'thier there their' thing too ;)

I guess sometimes our lovely minds think faster than we can type.
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