Quake 2


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I've been looking for a TV spot of this quake 2 game that was advertised to be on the Playstation and N64, It had this mad scientist, and this rodent. The Scientist ask if ur basically prepared for these shocking images.

Now that I told you how it starts i can now tell u about the song.

During the TV spot it shows all these images flash by like the atom bomb go off and riots with this freaky background song playing, Of course I want the background song, Do know where I can make my search?

and if any one knows the song I'm looking for can you tell me the artist who plays it and their album please?
This might help...

Try googling for 'Sonic Mayhem' they did music for Quake 2 but I'm unsure if they used any of the music for TV commercials.

I didn't even know there were commercials for Quake 2.
thanx for that tip i'll be looking, It had this mad scientist lookign dude, with a rat or something and he kept saying.

I don't care if you like or something
While I can't post the link here, there's a very well-known site online that collects and posts video game soundtracks for download (in MP3 format), and they have Quake II's soundtrack in their database, ripped straight from the game. If the music from this TV spot was in the game, then they would have it.