Mercedes-Benz candy store

Reaction score
its in black and white and theres this kid at the beggining.....then theres this adult looking at a car and the narrator says something about being a kid in a candy store...the tune in the background sorta sounds like sumtin out of edwards scissor hands
I'm looking for the Artist and title of the music from the Mercedes-Benz 'Candy Store' TV Commercial. It reminds me of something out of the Edward Scissorhands movie soundtrack.

view the commercial here...

listen to the audio here...
#/mercedes-commercial-music]http://media.#[link deleted]#/mercedes-commercial-music

It's really a beautiful song. Any replies welcome, even if you just want to suggest where I could find music that even sounds similar.

youve got to be kidding me....this is actually kinda funny, i made a thread about a week ago about this commercial, no one knew, but the funny part is that i to said it was from something like edward scissor hands
yea i read ur thread *i think i posted in it also :)
i downloaded the scissorhands soundtrack and it does have some similar parts
i just hope this isnt a commisoned piece or something, i hope its part of something longer

cant stop listening to it!
The composer is Jasper Randall. He does primarily film but also an occasional commercial now and then.