Member Name Sightings Contest

Hey!!! I don't know nuthin 'bout that apple!!!! This tree's never been near his mom!!! :blink:
Hey....lots of kids have my eyes!!! That doesn't mean......I mean......wait. No. I meant I'M A VIRGIN!!!! YEAH!!! Don't know nuthin' 'bout nuthin'. I'm so inexperienced I can barely please myself!! So yeahhh. I couldn't possibly be responsible. :unsure:
Originally posted by givemfitz@Feb 19 2007, 10:33 AM
Hey....lots of kids have my eyes!!! That doesn't mean......I mean......wait. No. I meant I'M A VIRGIN!!!! YEAH!!! Don't know nuthin' 'bout nuthin'. I'm so inexperienced I can barely please myself!! So yeahhh. I couldn't possibly be responsible. :unsure:
I'm quoting this so you can't change it! On with the blackmail! :devil:
Oh. Jizzbomb made me think oh a used condom dropped from a high place. :shifty:
I knew a guy that used to do that, drop them from an overpass onto cars. Cept he filled them with mayonnaise.
Hehe.. queen.. just check for adam's apples while you're doin body shots my friend.