Loony Toons Morning

However comma, what is that OTHER classical 'dawn' piece we hear in a lot of other cartoons. Flutes, Clarinets, sounds like birds tweeting.????

Could've told you the first one. Can't hear the second in my head though. Got a specific scene from a specific cartoon?
Well the William Tell overture aka theme to The Lone Ranger isn't at all like what you described. It might be something else by Rosinni from William Tell. I couldn't listen to the sample. Says I'm not authorized.

What you described sounds like it would be flutes and piccolos. Try Prokofiev for that.
Ok got to the sample the hard way. Guess I never listened to the whole thing. :P
About 7 Minutes and 30 Seconds from the start, but you have to find the whole 12 or so minute version to hear it: William Tell overture (Complete) by Gioachino Antonio Rossini

I'm looking to find the name and/or artist of a very well-known piece of classical music..."well-known" in the respect that it's probably been used in hundreds of cartoons, commercials, and tv shows, and that most people would recognize it (but not so well-known that I can locate it!).

It's almost exclusively used in 'sunrise' scenes---it plays as the sun is coming up. It's slow, simple, and played on some kind of wind instrument (possibly a flute?). It sounds somewhat like this:

baaaaaaaaaa...ba ba ba ba ba baaaa...ba ba ba ba ba baaaa...ba BA ba da ba baaaaaaaaaaaa (with a trill at this note)

My husband (my personal classical music expert) said it's probably from the late 1800's and thinks it might be by someone named DeBusie (sp?). I checked the name in itunes to no avail---always the case when you don't have accurate or complete info. I also browsed through several of their classical compilations, with no luck. Help!!