Looking for a song (lyrics)


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I don't remember exactly how the song went, but I do remember the song had a high pitched male voice and also a high pitched female voice (they might have been the same person but with altered vocals for the male/female parts). I remember hearing it about...6-8 years ago maybe on a pop station in NY (Z100, a famous one with millions of listeners around the area) and the song kind of went like this:

Every day and every night
[something something] right by [your] [my] side
[something] with you
I'm missing youuuu

The words in brackets I am unsure of ([something] would mean I have no idea what the words are, and the [your] and [my] means that it could have been both words used in different verses sung by the male/female vocals).
Oops, I forgot to mention the type of song was kind of electronic/trance but not really. If you get what I mean. There were some parts with echoing so it sounded kind of like easy to listen to.
Now that I think about it, there might have been a line in the song that went:

I'll fly with youuuu

But I'm not sure if "fly" is correct.
Somebody on another forum answered me :)

The song is: Gigi D'Agostino - L'amour toujours
