
Fukushima hybrid gopher
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I saw Not Another Teen Movie this morning. The beginning always cracks me up.

The whole dog on fire cpr scene in Something About Mary gets me every time too.
Pretty much every scene in Super Troopers.. and that part in Anchorman when they're tryin to mess Veronica up on her first ever broadcast. :lol:
In Dead Man's Chest, the part where Jack, Will and Norrington are rolling across the island on the wooden wheel gets me everytime. :lol:
Michael Douglas in The Game - "And you really believe that just because you publish children's books, people are going to care about my reputation? You can have pictures of me wearing nipple rings, butt-fucking Captain Kangaroo. The only thing they care about is the stock and whether that stock is up or down!"
Originally posted by leone@Feb 18 2007, 10:41 AM
In Dead Man's Chest, the part where Jack, Will and Norrington are rolling across the island on the wooden wheel gets me everytime. :lol:
yea, that part and he part where jack is trying to free himself from being a shiskabob. :lol: :lol:
ummmmm, gosh....... :unsure: ah i know,

In the movie "The Ringer" when the special people come back with that guy from the movies and the lady asks where they have been. Then the man says "We went to the mall" then the woman says" it's 12 pm", the man says "We stopped for ice-cream" then one of the special people says "When the f@#$ did we get ice-cream, and goes on and on about the ice-cream. Done...Sorry
:lol: Yeah that movie was a lot better than I thought it'd be. It was pretty tastefully done, considering.. I just thought it was gonna be a buncha handicrap jokes but it rocked.
Shrek, Shrek 2 and soon to be Shrek 3! that's all I gots to say...

Especially in Shrek the whole Welcome to Dulaq scene...."Wipe your...Face!"
:lol: :lol: In Shrek when they spend all day avoiding capture so they won't be banished to the worst part of the kingdom and it turns out that everyone who was caught was banished to his house. :lol: :lol: :lol: or when they all run out of the Starbucks to the place across the street. Another Starbucks. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Since some haven't seen it yet and may possibly be seeing it in the future, I'm going to say the masturbation scene in Reno 911. Hil-frickin-arious.
:lol: Speaking of masturbation scenes I was thinking of the one from Grandma's Boy on the way to work today. :lol: :lol:
1. Dumb & Dumber. Big gulps huh?

2. Deuce Bigalow II: European Gigalow. The scene where he rings the door bell and a giant lady answers, dumbfounded he says: "Hi, I'm Deuce--biggest lady I've ever scene!"

3. The 40 Year Old Virgin: Scene where the "black guy" gets into an argument with the two Pakistani guys, and the two Pakistani guys tell him to "Go f_ck a goat!". To which he replies: "Why do you guys always telling me to 'go f_ck a goat!'"

4. Eurotrip: The robot fight scene.

5. Accepted: "Ask me about my wiener!"
On duce bigalow, I liked the" I think there's been a mistake." "Did you say STEAK?!"
Oh oh oh and "Mock SI ing SI bird SI si SI". I need to go buy that. :lol:
Originally posted by Na_Pali_Coast_Kauai@Mar 24 2007, 08:42 PM
1. Dumb & Dumber. Big gulps huh?

2. Deuce Bigalow II: European Gigalow. The scene where he rings the door bell and a giant lady answers, dumbfounded he says: "Hi, I'm Deuce--biggest lady I've ever scene!"

3. The 40 Year Old Virgin: Scene where the "black guy" gets into an argument with the two Pakistani guys, and the two Pakistani guys tell him to "Go f_ck a goat!". To which he replies: "Why do you guys always telling me to 'go f_ck a goat!'"

4. Eurotrip: The robot fight scene.

5. Accepted: "Ask me about my wiener!"
Accepted: When they go to the closed mental hospital for the first time and something falls from the ceiling and the fat kid from grandma's boy and 40 year old virgin screams high pitched at the top of his lungs. Then they say to him what was that. him: I was scared don't tell anybody. them :You were scared of the tooth fairy as a kid too.... him: That was a legitimate fear... she was rifling through my shit.

Black Sheep. In the cabin when the roof blows off. David Spade and Chris Farley are sleeping on the bunk bed when it starts to hail and david spade says jokingly to farley... I got dibs on top bunk. Just the you see the top mattress with farley on it start to droop, then it falls and crushes david spade and you hear him make a high pitched yelp.
From the movie"Skin Deep"- Glow in the dark condom cock fight scene. :P
that was hilarious and also the part where Jack get shock therapy ( the after affects).. :lol: :lol: :lol: