Liberty Mutual commercial


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Okay, just saw a new Liberty Mutual commercial with the same premise of the one including the song "Half Acre" by Hem. Random acts of kindness and all such stuff.

New song, though. The lyrics, to the best my ear could pin down in one shot through were as follows:

"Is this the part where you find out I'm there for you"

Any ideas?

I'm pretty sure it is another Hem song entitled "The Part Where You Let Go". It is on a EP that has not been released yet.
Cool, thanks! Your reply got me looking into the site, and it looks like you're spot on.

I'll just have to add this to the list of get it when it comes out songs!
"The Part Where You Let Go" by Hem is now available on iTunes. Definitely worth the wait.
Does anyone know the song in the new Liberty Mutual commercial. One line of lyric is "is this the part we let go", anyone know what this is and who sings it? Thanks in advance
I can swear but i'm not sure it's a Liberty Mutual commercial but im not fo' sho. Anywho its the commercial with the boomerang effect with people helping each other(ie. stoping someone from getting hit by a bus and then that person helps someone lifting something) then people seeing this and then helping people they see and repeating this throughout the commercial. It's a female singer and I think the lyrics go " I don't know, Is this the part where you let go...dum,dum" and so on. If anyone can help that would be greatly appreciated.
The commercial shows people helping each other, like one lady stops this pizza guy from walking out into the street and some guy watching from a window helps someone else after that and it sort of goes on like that.. and then at the end there is a bus and the song lyrics sing "and I don't know... is this the part where we let go" female singing.

what song is this?
I think it was 4 Nov 2007, I think it was MTV... It was a woman's vocals and a piano, along with other instruments... I wasn't watching the teevee, so I don't know what the commercial was for... And I couldn't make out the lyrics. :/ If anyone happens to know what it is that'd be awesome. I've been keeping my eye out for it... I think I might have seen a woman walking down a city sidewalk? Like that narrows anything down. heh