jenna jameson's myspace page

According to the music player in the top left corner, it's "He's Alive" by A Girl Called Jane.
dammit!! i couldnt find a music player anywhere!! i am soooo stupid!!!!


i might blame firefox... hmmm.... i am going there to check now.

yep, player doesn't show in firefox.

i just checked it out in IE... it's there. DUH.
Forgive me but I can't stop laughing :lol: "He's Alive" is the name of a Christian song and the thought of it on Jenna's page is rather amusing :lol:
the player actually just says "Alive" :lol:
Am I not allowed to be amused? The only reason I went to the page at all was to see if it was the same song - which it obviously is not. and if you REALLY want to get technical:
Originally posted by Four King Twenty@Mar 21 2007, 11:07 PM
According to the music player in the top left corner, it's "He's Alive" by A Girl Called Jane.
This statement is not accurate.
You want BREAD!?!?!?!?!? NO BREAD!!!! NO COME BACK........SIX MONTHS!!!! NEXT!!!! :lol: