I'd like to have sex with...

As are those Lay's Stax. Ya know, the Pringles ripoff. :eek:k:
conan is super funny, and doritos are ridiculously addictive i swear i ate half a bag today, i really have to stop, i worked out so i don't feel too bad, i will just run double tomorrow for the burrito... :p
Originally posted by katie0129@Aug 30 2005, 11:57 PM
conan is super funny, and doritos are ridiculously addictive i swear i ate half a bag today, i really have to stop, i worked out so i don't feel too bad, i will just run double tomorrow for the burrito... :p
mmmm burritos.
OH! ...chocolate milk.
*dump more pee popcorn on andy's head*

yeah taco casa burrito, mmm chocolate milk

sugar free yoohoo...don't think it would taste good if there was
:lol: Well it'd have to be an artificial sweetener.. in a perfect world it'd be stevia..
I'm addicted to this goddamn pudding we have in my house, it comes in like soup cans with a pop top. Delicious. :D
I prefer the chocolate but if there is a tapioca closer to me at the time I'll eat that instead. I'm lazy.