Girls Gone Wild Ultimate Rush


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The song is in the begining of Girls Gone Wild Ultimate Rush commercial, or at least the opening of the DVD...

The song is sung by a male, it sounds like something from the band Lost Prophets. The lyrics go like this

Think of you about what you know
Put me up about in time-***not sure about this line***

I know you know why I'll/I'd go
I know you knowwwww

Chours: (I am guessing this is the chours)
Sometimes I want to be A????use
Sometimes I want to be (don't know what he says)

Any Thoughts? Post Back....
I put this song on You Tube, so now you can listen to it, and watch the cheesy video I made for it as well...Haha..

Enjoy, and don't forget to post back if you can figure this one out...

Here's the link

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Part of a song played briefly on the Girls Gone Wild Ultimate Rush infomercial that caught my ear, but I can't figure out what it's called.

I can describe it, but someone uploaded part of the infomercial with the song in question so I figured that'd be more helpful. It starts about halfway through this clip.

There's no nudity, but the subject matter is probably not safe for work.

I think she's saying "don't make me wait" but so far google searches have come up with nothing helpful...
The video is down on Google video. Do you know of another location where I can find it? Also, I can't believe it, but I am still trying to figure out the name of that's crazy, but I think the challenge is also enticing. So, do you know where I can find that video? Also, if you have figured out the name of the song, that would be great!

Thanks for helping, together, if we both slam our foreheads on the table enough, I think we can get it.-I'm joking, but I think were gonna get it.

Your thoughts?