Funny People

The Funny People trailer starts with Adam Sandler doing a cover (in the movie) of "Photograph", then fades into the original version:
by Ringo Starr

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I'd pull my hair out if it weren't for these forums. thnx guys <3
Does anyone know what's the name of the song that starts about 30 seconds into the trailer? Has a chill mellow beat??? Please help!
This question has yet to be answered. Does anyone know what is the VERY first song played at the beginning of the official trailer found here?:

The song begings at 0:25. It has the chill hip hop beat with the piano. I've been looking for this for a while now but with no success... Please help!!
Re: Funny People - International Trailer

if you're talking about the song used towards the end, that's bad kids by black lips