FUCK 2006!

not where i'm from. we get laughed at and picked on, but you get use to it.
mean people suck...hey i wear glasses~! they are trés cool. B)
that's cool. i do get a few compliments on my glasses. or at least the style of the frames.
Steph has geek chic glasses. :eek:k:

Mine are just small ovals.
these are my frames (i hope i did this correctly) but without the sunglass lenses.
actually, before i post the link, am i allowed to do so?
You can post links, why wouldn't you be able to post links?
sorry i didn't stay up last night. i have a question for you. if quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
:lol: :lol: Silly noob.. doesn't realize who he's talking to..
:lol: :lol: Mm hmm, she of the perpetual gutter mind. If the punch line of a joke is "testicle", I'm gonna get it.
that's cool.....i think. maybe not. i don't know. is it?
you remind me of a friend of mine so you can't be that bad.