Can you hear this?

Originally posted by cultclassic@Jun 14 2006, 12:47 AM
no thanks. 3 inch diameter is better that 8 inches of pencil.
And a working knowledge of female biology trumps both those things. :eek:k:
^ :lol: :lol:

I'm taking bio and physics. :naughty:
And I passed pre-calc which means... pizza. :(
:lol: Oh! I got the perfect thing for that! Lemme find it.

Click! :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: I couldn't either, the dogs kept freakin out and runnin into my path as I'd try to go down onto my hands. Don't want no squashed puppies. :(

Hahah they're like MA! Stop doing strange things, you're upsetting our delicate balance! And I'm like GAHHHH SOMEONE PLAY CATCH WITH ME!!! :!@#$:
:lol: :lol: Ever play Monkey-in-the-Middle with a dog that has ADD?
:lol: :lol: Do you have to play at hyperspeed to keep him entertained?
He gets mad, starts barking and when you throw the ball away, he forgets that he's mad and starts chasing it again. The neverending cycle. :lol:
I'll clone mine, he's a Sweetums McSugarballs. :wub: Did I tell you about how he tried to protect me from the hair dryer? :lol: My husband was sleeping the other morning so I couldn't blow my hair out at my vanity like I usually do, so I took the dryer in the bathroom. And the acoustics musta scared him or something cause he kept running off with his tail tucked, then coming back looking like this :( at me. Finally he laid down across my feet and watched me do my hair with a very concerned look.

He came back to make sure I was safe. :) :heart: See a friggin CAT do that!