Axe Chain Reaction "Love"


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Hey everyone. I was wondering if anyone knows the name of the song in the new Axe commercial. The commercial, in case you haven't seen it or something, is basically a chain of events starting with a spray of Axe, and the effect is supposed to be passed on. Anyway, the song is dance/techno-type music with a repetitive lyric containing "love" (when I see it again, I'll try to remember the whole line). I was hoping someone knew it here, but if it comes down to it, I'll email Unilever, again. They haven't responded to my first, and it's been about a week.

(Unilever is the father company of the brand.)
Hm, I couldn't find a clip on Amazon, but judging from the lyrics, I don't think that's it.
I think the only lyrics they play in the commercial are something like 'give me love, love, love' I hope somebody can name the song because I would really like to know the name of it and who performs it too!
Heh, right on time. They just replied to my email, and unfortunately, it was made specially for the commercial.
I just saw a commercial for the new fragrance from axe called touch. There is a very intriguing song in the background that I would like to find. If anyone knows what this song is, please let me know.

I've been looking for this music for a couple of days now. A lyrics search comes up with nothing so it could be commissioned or a song for release soon. I emailed Axe on Friday and they said they are looking into it for me so I'll let you know of any reply.
Are we all talking about the commercial that starts off in some club where a guy has some girls around him, then gets bitten by a mosquito that gets eaten by a frog that ends up on some old guy's plate, who then gets into bed with a woman... and he dies, then at the end of the commercial worms come out of his grave and make a little heart...

Same one? Huh? Eh? Anyone?

*hops up and down expectantly*
Wow.. death and decay paralleled with their cologne. Kudos to that marketing team..
Where the misquito bites the guys chest and he rubs it...then the frogs hump and junk.
Does anyone know this song????
Actually, the song is called "Love is in the air". I'm unsure about who performs it for the Axe commercial though, since I'm positive that it's a cover. And about it being made for the commercial.. I'm unsure...
Originally posted by 47-@Feb 11 2004, 07:43 AM
Actually, the song is called "Love is in the air". I'm unsure about who performs it for the Axe commercial though, since I'm positive that it's a cover. And about it being made for the commercial.. I'm unsure...
Uh, how sure are you? Because the lyrics don't read the same; I don't remember the "in the air" part. Even if so, the cover was probably still commissioned for the commercial.

I am pretty sure I've heard that song, the original, and I don't think that's it.

Here's what the company had to say:
Thanks for writing!!

The song was created for the commercial by contracted composers, which is often
the case for advertising. Unfortunally it is not available anywhere else.

If you’d like any more info regarding AXE, send us another email or call us at

Thank you for your interest!
Your friends at AXE
I believe the song is a remix composed by Danny Tenaglia called "Give Me Love". His website is down right now (of course) but if its one of those ad contract type things, it will be very difficult to get a hold of. Don't quote me on this but thats a good hunch.
Originally posted by Skibblez10@Feb 11 2004, 01:25 PM
I believe the song is a remix composed by Danny Tenaglia called "Give Me Love". His website is down right now (of course) but if its one of those ad contract type things, it will be very difficult to get a hold of. Don't quote me on this but thats a good hunch.
"Give Me Love", yes! That sounds like it. I'll have to check out his site and maybe email him.
I was wondering what he song it the new axe deoderent comercial is, if i remeber correctly it was about love, obvously, and it was the won where the misquito bites the kid witch bites the old guy who does and then worms make a heart... THANKZ
its a remix of Depeche Mode's "I Feel Loved"

just download any remix of it, and youll hear the tune.

Now i am not sure if its Danny Tenaglias tho...

and that response from Axe bout their music is made just for them, I believe that is a a response that is not completely true.

Dont like it when companies pretend they are special cause music is made just for them and wont be released... stupid concept to hold back music and says its for us only
I'm pretty sure the song is an excerpt from the song "Ligaya" by the dj Gouryella.
I think his real name is Ferry Corsten.
i would like to know the name of that song in the axe body spray for men commercial. it goes like " give me, love" it's the one where the old man eats the frog legs and does the girl and know what i'm talkin about :P
The axe essence body spray, where the guy puts it on, then hes w/ the two girls, and he gets bit by a mosquito, then eventually the two worms crawl out of the old mans grave and make a heart shape and kiss... anyone kno the song?
Check out a song by DEPECHE MODE -- Its called I FEEL LOVED, theres a bunch of remixes and stuff (one of ems by that guy Danny Tenaglia.)