Arby 'n' the Chief: Episode 12 - "Conflict (Part 2


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i dont know if anybody here watches these web episodes, but yea there funny and give them a look.

any who, i wanted to know the names of the first two songs that play. they are both classical.

please let me know if u know them.

I can't place the classical pieces but the music during the credits sounds an awful lot like Tony Rice. Either Swing 42 or On Green Dolphin Street. Have you tried asking the guy who makes the videos?
Originally posted by FrauBlucher@Jun 14 2008, 09:04 AM
I can't place the classical pieces but the music during the credits sounds an awful lot like Tony Rice. Either Swing 42 or On Green Dolphin Street. Have you tried asking the guy who makes the videos?
thank you for looking.

he only put the sites name of were he got them from. not the songs name exactly.