American Express

I didn't disagree it was Glass, I just didn't agree on the piece. There is a good article on the ad campaign at:

I agree with you, the closest piece I have heard so far is Prelude from Akhnaten. It could also be earlier mentioned piece with just a different arrangement. When I listen to the ad version I hear some french horn and flute that I haven't heard in any recordings I have (or that I found on iTunes). Of course it could have been recorded special for the commercial, they seemed to have gone all out on everything else (de Niro and Scorsese). I'll keep an eye out...
I e-mailed AMEX about the music to the commercial (probably because I lead a boring life :) ) and they replied and said it was an original piece by Philip Glass for the commercial. So, anyone could be correct. They may have had him alter a previous piece for this new commercial. At any rate, it gave me a reason to listen to my Philip Glass cds a few times.