HELP! Jeff Corwin's Into Alaska


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This site has helped me once before after an exhaustive 3 year search for a song that turned out to be on a soundtrack so I'm hoping you can help me again!

On the Travel Channel there is an advertisement for Into Alaska with Jeff Corwin. I love love LOVE the background music which is only instrumental but I've heard it before, whether it's been in an HBO spot (known for some great music) or in a trailer for some movie. It's very pretty. The advertisement is maybe about 30 seconds long with different scenes from Corwin's show, it's premiering later this month.

If anyone could help that would be great! I'd truly appreciate it :)
aw darn. i stayed up late trying to possibly catch another ad. but i realized that there's probably not that many people who watch the travel channel in the first place! and also there was a lot of different ads for Into Alaska with Jeff Corwin. Short ads, long ads, ads with Jeff talking or not talking...

the one i want seems to be just quick short clips of him while in alaska. the music in the background is only instrumental and i hear violins in the climactic part of the ad. there's a scene of him running away from a bunch of seals in the snow and laughing. there was a train going through a green hillside, him climbing up a snowy mountaing using an icepick. hopefully this helps.

thanks in advance. maybe i will try emailing the travel channel :)