One Earth


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Help there are these two commercials about One Earth on this spanish channel. One commercial shows the sun rising and a volcano erupting among other things, but it plays a song that I like, but I can't find anything on One Earth's website, Im guessing cause the commercials are in spanish . Also theres another commercial where it talks about the power of one individual and it show clips of ghandi,mother teresa, and the guy at tiennaman square, but the song is kick ass. These are both good songs but I cant find them anywhere, please any info would help. I know I might not be able to find them but it wont hurt to try, thanx.
The link to the website is thats the home page, click on communications, then click on "campaigns", on the top right corner there is the year 1991 through 2000 please click on '93,its called the power of one and '94 is called mother. Those are the songs Im talking about, those two videos are the ones Im talking about on top, and I love the songs in those 2 videos, please someone go and check them out, and see if you can help me with those song names. Thank you!
Sorry its not '94 its '95, '95 is called mother and thats the one I like.