Target "Merry Christmas"


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The Target commercial has a Christmas theme and the song is a very upbeat melody that also has a Christmas theme. The song has a rather fast tempo and is a pop song.

Need the name/artist of the song.

Thanks in Advance.
I've heard that song before and the lyrics they use for the Target ad aren't the actual lyrics. But shit, I can't remember what the real lyrics are. The end is something like, "I'll bring you down / I'm bring you down." And something in there about knocking on a door. Front door? Damn, I can't remember. It's right there!
quote from the comment left by "soyarra" on youtube :lol:

"Ha! This is a reworking of the Jim Noir song "My Patch." Cool. Who knew Target could be so esoteric? "

here is the link to "My Patch"
It was also used in the adidas ads during the World Cup (with original lyrics), which is why several people I know were so baffled by the Target ad changing them - Jim's whole album's excellent, BTW.
thank you all! i was away and kept hearing that ad but didnt have computer access. i knew adtunes wouldn't let me down!!

i assumed it was one of those "created just for the ad" songs.
Yes - it's Jim Noir - "My Patch" from the CD "Tower Of Lve". I believe it's been out for a couple of years.

Others by him are:

Eanie Meany
I Me You I'm Yours

if you like those you'll love the cd. Check him out on itues.

Originally posted by mahona73@Nov 9 2007, 02:15 PM
The vocals in this spot are provided by Chris Barron. :D
Is that the guy from the Spin Doctors? Did he ever recover from having paralyzed vocal cords?
Okay, I did some research, and apparently the Spin Doctors' Chris Barron did indeed get his voice back in late 2000. I didn't see any info about whether this is the same person who did the Target ad.
too bad the words are different.... <_< woulda made a great chirstmas single! :rolleyes:
The Target commercial has a Christmas theme and the song is a very upbeat melody that also has a Christmas theme. The song has a rather fast tempo and is a pop song.

Need the name/artist of the song.

Thanks in Advance.

It's called Wrapping Christmas by the Waitresses
I got an Adtunes account so i could tell you. It's a good song!