X-Men Origins Wolverine


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Whats the first song? Is it from 300 aswell cause I know the 2nd one is.


movie looks amazing!

i want the ending music!
Originally posted by Jinkazama656@Nov 2 2008, 07:16 PM
Hey Kyole, can you tell us what the second song is? WOuld love to know!
Tyler Bates - "Come And Get Them" is the most noticeable song in the trailer. If there are two different songs in this trailer; at what time increments are you talking about?

IE 1min 30 secs?
Re: X-Men Origins: Wolverine

there's another song in there before the 300 stuff...up til about when the logos comes in is one of the cues from the Sunshine score by John Murphy. I believe it's "Escaping Icarus II"
Re: X-Men Origins: Wolverine


From 00:58 until the end, it's a custom score written by me and my Ninja Tracks partner Michael Nielsen. We produce the Full Tilt library.

The opening is "Escaping The Icarus II" from the Sunshine score.


From another forum!
Re: X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Another song very similar to "Escaping the Icarus II" is the song "Sunshine (Adagio in D Minor)", from the Sunshine OST. It is pretty much the same song, minus the extra instruments added in "Escaping...".

Music starts around 0:35.

Pretty much the same song, just a little different instrumentation.
Can anyone tell me the name of the artist and song used in the new trailer - starting around 1:16 (the music with vocals) sounds amazing, please let me know.
Re: X-Men Origins: Wolverine

The song that starts the trailer is called "What Do You See?" and it is from the score to "Sunshine" by John Murphy.
Re: X-Men Origins: Wolverine

yes, I already knew that. But the song in the middle with the vocals come in. What is that song?
Re: X-Men Origins: Wolverine

I'll double bump this thing all day. This song has been haunting me.
Re: X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Agreeing with "Big Satan" BUMP, come on guys? I'm the one that asked for that song about a week or 2 ago and no answer. I know you all know your songs so can you please tell us this song we are desperately searching for??
Re: X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Thank you! I have the score, but I missed the track :)
Re: X-Men Origins: Wolverine

there's another song in there before the 300 stuff...up til about when the logos comes in is one of the cues from the Sunshine score by John Murphy. I believe it's "Escaping Icarus II"
Sorry for double posting but I don't have this "Escaping Icarus II" in my Sunshine folder.