The Osbournes


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The commercial is to promote the new season of the osbournes.
the song sounds like a sparkly song in a commercial from the 50's. like the kind of song that would be in a commercial for a new household appliance.
i think i have also heard this in a Ren and Stimpy episode. the commercial had pics of jack and kellys heads and some half animated bodies in an animated room. its supposed to look like one of those stop-capture animations with paper figures.

sombody help me find this song
Check out this thread.. someone had a similar question a few months ago and those are the suggestions they got..
I was hoping time would get this out of my system but I still find myself singing the snippet of words from a commercial for The Osbournes/Newlyweds shows on MTV channel. Male voices singing it, kind of retro early 60's sound.

Your assistance will save me much psychotherapy analysis!!!
You have to search for Newlyweds...I tried to do it, but it wasn't working right. I'm too tired so I'll just say that it's Female of the species....can't remember the artist. ssjdfajslk jca knows it.
Big Mahalos to Lost Boy. It was the commercial with the fat angel dudes fluttering about. The song was "Female of the Species" by Space