Southwest Airlines surfing


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The southwest airlines fun fares commercial, has a rock tune, and has what I belive to be kazoo's in it........
Pretty catchy though. I only caught a bit of an earlier commercial that had aired with the same tune, and mistakenly thought it was an IBM ad......(whut?)
If any one knows the song or artist, I appreciate the help!

...but didn't see anything posted about it.

Its the Southwest Airlines Fun Fares Music. The commercial with the snowboarder, and text that says "Eight hours ago he was..." blah blah blah.

Anyway sounds like a kazoo on steroids. If this is a made for commercial song I'll be unhappy since it SOUNDS like a good song.

If anyone could help I'd appreciate it.
I second this request. I saw this commercial today and wanted to know the music also. Anyone got any information?
Does anyone know the name of the song in the southwest commercial where the girl is surfing? It sounds sort of punky but it also sounds like there is a kazoo in the mix.
I really need to know the name of the song and the performer in the Southwest Airlines commercial. The commercial has a lady on a surfboard. The song is hot. Please help!!!!!
Does anyone even know the company that Southwest goes through for advertisements? Maybe an email can be sent out to either them or a representative from Southwest?
You could try contacting Southwest's PR or Customer Service and asking... They may be able to give you info on the music or direct you to the ad agency who created the spot. It's always worth a shot to ask.
Does anyone know what song is playing during the Southwest Airlines commercial in which a woman is surfing in the ocean? Some text appears saying something like "6 hours ago she was working for her boss." The song is instrumental rock. The commercial is still on air quite frequently. Anyone know what song it is? Thanks.
It's not the same exact ad, but the same type of ad. The old ad was that snowboarding one, while the new one is the surfing one I'm talking about. I'm not sure if the music is the same in both ads. I don't really remember a kazoo in the SouthWest surfing ad, though.
its a commercial with a surfer and a white water rafter and it says 6 hours ago.... she was filing tax returns or something like that a guitar riff in the background can anyone help?
i think there's already a few posts concerning this southwest fun fares commercial. i still haven't found an answer myself.
The new SWA commercials showing someone surfing or kayaking with a caption along the lines of "6 hours ago....he was fixing a paper jam....funny how things change....when you ad a southwest airlined fun-fare." it plays music throughout the whole thing, there are no words in it, does anyone know if this is an original composition, or from another artist?
I'm looking for the song/tune that was featured in a recent SWA commercial. It featured a woman surfer, and the song itself was actually more of a melody than anything (no lyrics.) However, it might be apart of an actual song, but I'm not sure. Thanks in advance.
I think the same ad is being discussed here, but no clues on the music. It could have been done just for the ad since no one seems to have an answer. :(
The most recent Southwest Airlines commercial features a song I need to know the name of. Some of the images are a skateboarder that dissapears into a yellow screen. They've used this song before in a commercual where they say, you can be at your desk working and then 3 hours later be surfing. It features a woman surfing.
I'd like to know this song also. I remember it from the surfing ad. I'm trying to think of how to describe it, but I'm not sure how.

It almost sounds like the Fructis commercial song, but I know it's not that.
