Songs About Africa?


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Does anybody know any songs about/featuring Africa? Or any songs that are traditional African songs? Please let me know!


M.I.A. talks about Africa a lot in her songs, such as "20 Dollar" where she says $20 can buy you an AK47 in Africa.
Originally posted by bambi@Mar 30 2008, 03:24 AM
Does anybody know any songs about/featuring Africa? Or any songs that are traditional African songs? Please let me know!


The Blood Diamond movie soundtrack has some good songs for what your looking for.

and the song: Dr. Alban - "Hello Africa" is what your looking for too.
"Afrikan Dream" - Vicky Sampson

You can hear a clip of it here.

I love this song. :D
Just from googling...
Howie Day - "Arfica"
Yaki - "Pride of Africa"
Bob Marley - "Africa Unite"
D'Angelo - "Africa"
Akon - "Mama Africa"

There are some well known South African singers I know of who sing rather traditional songs (but not in English):
Miriam Makeba (she even won a Grammy)
Johnny Clegg a.k.a "The White Zulu"

Remember the film "Tsotsi"? Check out the soundtrack, it's not very traditional African music, but a taste of current S. African music by it's native artists.

There's also a Belgian singer named Helmut Lotti who has an album called Classics out of Africa where he sings a lot of popular classics, some from Clegg and Makeba, and even in the native tongue (e.g. Xhosa or the click language). He does a pretty good job. U could just look him up if you don't want to check all those others.