Should Cynthia McKinney be indicted?

Should Cynthia McKinney be charged with assaulting a police officer?

  • Yes

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  • No

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  • Don't Know

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I'm thinking...yes. Unless we aren't aware of her mental illness, or if she even has one then I'm sticken to my decision. She should had just worn the damn congress badge so the security could identify her. With all the terrorist shit we have going on, she should understand their suspiscion of people. And then she hit's the cop! I just want to now what's been recently going on in her head... :huh:
Originally posted by Scythe@Apr 6 2006, 04:59 AM
whos she? :unsure:
She's a congresswoman. Here's basically the story of what he's talking about.

Okay, as far as mental illness, if that were true she would not be a member of congress and she hasn't mentioned any type mental illness. Now, what she has mentioned is the ace card that she had hidden up her sleeve claiming that she was supposedly harassed and racially profiled. This is completely ridiculous. She didn't follow the rules, she didn't stop when the officer asked her to, and now she is trying to turn blame on him. She should be charged just as any other normal person would. She should not get any special treatment and that fact that she is trying to turn this into a racial thing just sickens me even more. We have come too far as a country and it seems now that some people actually want to be racially profiled so that they can use it as a crutch.
Here's the funny thing: She alleges racial profiling, at the same time, wants the police to recognize her because there are only few black congress-women! Wouldn't THAT be racial profiling? :lol:
:lol: I know right? That's what I don't get sometimes. People are like "why can't everyone just see people and not race" but then they can turn the tables whenever they feel like it just to invlove race.
This is completely ridiculous. She didn't follow the rules, she didn't stop when the officer asked her to, and now she is trying to turn blame on him. She should be charged just as any other normal person would. She should not get any special treatment and that fact that she is trying to turn this into a racial thing just sickens me even more.

*nodding head* :(

She's makin my race look bad. :cry:...sorry guys, I'm really emotional right now... :unsure:
Originally posted by Caren H@Apr 6 2006, 03:31 PM
This is completely ridiculous. She didn't follow the rules, she didn't stop when the officer asked her to, and now she is trying to turn blame on him. She should be charged just as any other normal person would. She should not get any special treatment and that fact that she is trying to turn this into a racial thing just sickens me even more.

*nodding head* :(

She's makin my race look bad. :cry:...sorry guys, I'm really emotional right now... :unsure:
Well, hopefully most people will know that it's just her being a dumbass and not how most people actually are. Hey, let's not judge her race based on her actions but just judge congress people based on her actions! :leela:

For example: "What an idiot she is! That must just be how congress people are." I'm kidding. :P
well i dont know much about it but yea it does seem like shes a total idiot. i also think its lame that shes trying to make the officer appear like a racist. i doubt he would have acted any differently had it been a white woman.
I know, I agree. Let's flip this situation around shall we, I mean if we're all equal acording to law of the land then try and picture these other scenarios:

1. Black congressman punches white female security guard.
-obviously he would not get away with it and if he tried to play the race card it would be obvious that he was being ridiculous.

2. White congressman punches white male security guard.
-this one would be treated not as bad as scenario 1 but obviously no racial profiling issues could be brought up. The congressman would most likely be considered in the wrong on this scenario.

3. White congressman punches black female security guard.
-This would most likely be considered an even bigger deal than the situation at hand.

I guess my point of this is that the only reason she can stand there and claim what she's saying is because she is a female that happens to be black and the person that was just trying to do his job happened to be a male that just happened to be white. In my eyes male/female black/white, what she did was inappriate and unprofessional and I guarantee you if I tried to get into my office building without my badges and the same thing happened to me, I would sure as shit be fired if I punched the security guard for it whether he grabbed my arm or not.
Originally posted by Sir_Garland@Apr 6 2006, 11:48 PM
I know, I agree. Let's flip this situation around shall we, I mean if we're all equal acording to law of the land then try and picture these other scenarios:

1. Black congressman punches white female security guard.
-obviously he would not get away with it and if he tried to play the race card it would be obvious that he was being ridiculous.

2. White congressman punches white male security guard.
-this one would be treated not as bad as scenario 1 but obviously no racial profiling issues could be brought up. The congressman would most likely be considered in the wrong on this scenario.

3. White congressman punches black female security guard.
-This would most likely be considered an even bigger deal than the situation at hand.

I guess my point of this is that the only reason she can stand there and claim what she's saying is because she is a female that happens to be black and the person that was just trying to do his job happened to be a male that just happened to be white. In my eyes male/female black/white, what she did was inappriate and unprofessional and I guarantee you if I tried to get into my office building without my badges and the same thing happened to me, I would sure as shit be fired if I punched the security guard for it whether he grabbed my arm or not.
marry me
didn't she just do a public apology about the whole situation?
i couldn't hear the tv so i wasn't too sure what was going on (but then again when do i).
She said she is "sorry for the misunderstanding" and "the escalation" and that "there shouldn't have been any touching". She didn't concede about hitting. Neither did he apologize to the police. Which is what she should've done, because the police officers went to her office and apologized right after the incident.
Originally posted by cultclassic@Apr 7 2006, 01:26 AM
She said she is "sorry for the misunderstanding" and "the escalation" and that "there shouldn't have been any touching". She didn't concede about hitting. Neither did he apologize to the police. Which is what she should've done, because the police officers went to her office and apologized right after the incident.
so... shes still being all bitchy about it, even though the others already gave in more than they should? greedy lass
I wonder what her constituents think considering elections are coming up. Do you think she will get reelected? Is her seat up for reelection? I don't know but I wouldn't vote for her.