Old music video that played on The Box channel


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I'm trying to find out the name and artist of a song that I saw the music video for on the old mvid channel The Box. I don't have a lot to go on though. This is what I do remember:
1. It probably aired sometime around 1997-1999ish I think.
2. The video (as I remember) took place outside like on some hillsides with lots of grass and sunshine. The guy or guys I think wore all white outfits. I think one of or the only singer was male and black.
3. The song was really nice, but I don't actually remember it. What does come to mind is that it seemed to have an Enya or Enigma type sound/feel to it.
It played on The Box for a good while, so I'm hoping somebody will remember it or know what I'm talking about. If you can add any info to help me find out the song, I would appreciate it a lot! This has bugged me for years now.
Thanks :)
Well when you first said "hillsides with lots of grass and sunshine," it made me think of "No Rain" by Blind Melon. I was waiting for you to say something like, "Yeah, and there was this girl in a bumblebee outfit running around..." :lol:

But you didn't. So it's not that song.

Uhm... Maybe Seal? Since you suggested the lead singer may be black...
I can't really recall...

Any lyrics..?
No; it definitely was not Blind Melon, lol.
Unfortunately I don't remember any lyrics, but I think at least some of the song was possibly not English; something more like pretty chants, of African like or something. It is really hard for me to remember specifics because I was kind of young. I know you're probably thinking this doesn't sound like something that really belonged on The Box, but it definitely was on that channel a good bit.
:rolleyes: To be honest, I don't even know what "The Box" is.
All I've got is MTV, VH1, and fuse.
If it was '97-'99, I wouldn't have been able to remember from that exact time either, I'm just trying to recall from memory of music I've learned over the years.
I think the only music I was into in '97 was N*SYNC. :P

All I can really think of Seal, that's all I got so far. "Kiss From a Rose" is the only song that's coming to my mind, but that video's got the batmobile in it so I know it's not right.

Uhm... I'll keep looking. :)

Edit: This is a COMPLETE shot in the dark but... it's not "Desert Rose" by Sting, is it? That album was released in '99.

Music Video to "Desert Rose"
I REMEMBER THE BOX!!!!! I used to watch that all the time!!!
Unfortunately, I don't recall the video you are looking for. Good luck though, surely someone else will know it :)
Nope; it's not "Desert Rose" either, but thank you for still trying. :)
The Box isn't around anymore. Apparently (as I'm reading info about it right now) it was bought by Viacom and merged with MTV2 a while back. But it is in the UK still.
It wasn't Seal either. I'm thinking the guy might have had dreadlocks possibly.
I remember the Box - they charged more for a single play than iTunes charges for permanent ownership, heh heh.

Wild guess: Les Nubians, either "Makeda" or "Les Portes du Souvenir" ("The Gates of Memory," forgive my spelling). They were black, non-English, and on the Box in that time frame, although they are female.
Ok. Never heard of "The Box" and never seen a vid for my guess but............

"The Child (Inside)" - Qkumba Zoo?????? :unsure:
Thanks for the tips. I'm pretty sure it's not Bone Thugs n Harmony. It wasn't a rap song, and they're rap right? I watched the Les Nubians mvids on youtube and they weren't it either. I also watched the The Child Inside By Qkumba Zoo
video (
), and that is a great song and so far the closest I would say to sounding (as I remember) to the song I'm looking for, but the video is definitely not the one I'm thinking of.
Thanks again everybody for helping me out! :D
I just remembered a song that, for reasons I can't even figure out, reminds me of the song I'm looking for; it's Never Let You Go - Jakaranda. For all I know it just might be it, but I can't seem to find a music video for it so I can't know until I see the mvid for the song so I can see if the scenes I remember are in it.
I guess the reason the song reminds me of it is because it has that Caribbean feel to it with the "Hey oh ma ma ma Hey-ah" lyics.
Heh, I used to see Bone Thugs n Harmony all the time on the Box while waiting for someone to play "Sunday Morning" by No Doubt. You said something about "chanting" and their rapping is so fast it sounds like chanting. I looked at a bunch of their vids on YouTube just now and I think "Crossroads" is the one I used to see but there's no green grass and sunshine like I was thinking. I may have mashed it up with Will Smith's "Sumertime" vid in my head. Oh yeah and they used to play Puff Dady's "I'll Be Missing You" all the time and it looks like what you described but I wouldn't call what he does "singing." Thank God for teh internets so I don't have to wallow through all this garbage to see something I want.
Originally posted by raindrop@Aug 31 2007, 06:35 PM
I just remembered a song that, for reasons I can't even figure out, reminds me of the song I'm looking for; it's Never Let You Go - Jakaranda.  For all I know it just might be it, but I can't seem to find a music video for it so I can't know until I see the mvid for the song so I can see if the scenes I remember are in it.
I guess the reason the song reminds me of it is because it has that Caribbean feel to it with the "Hey oh ma ma ma Hey-ah" lyics.
Sounds like they ripped off the Dream Acadamy "Life in a Northern Town" for those "hey oh ma ma ma's".

If I hadn't of heard this Jakaranda song my next suggestion was going to be Ladysmith Black Mambazo.