Nike Tennis


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hi, i was wondering if anybody has seen that nike tennis commercial where sereena williams appeared.
does anybody know that song?
It's been answered previously, don't forget to use our Forum's search feature.
yeah. i actually tried that before but couldn't find it. do you know the title of the post?
What are you putting into the search box? I put in: Nike

The thread is the fourth result, "Nike ad w/ Serena Williams"
According to a Nike representative there are two answers, Harry Nilsson's "He needs me" (sung by Shelley Duvall) and Nike's "I adore you."

The succinct part above is provided to counter the petty comments that follow which were written in response to my continued frustration each time I return to

Please read the following with a grain of salt:

You know, I like this website, it is very helpful, but every time (EVERY TIME!) I do visit, I run across this sort of condescension. Why?! It isn't helpful.

See, I am also wondering about the song asked about by the starter of this topic. He searched without luck. I searched using the keywords* 'nike' and 'tennis' and I come across one result, this topic. And what do I read in this topic?

*My bad (see near bottom).

Originally posted by michelle+Aug 10 2004, 01:30 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (michelle @ Aug 10 2004, 01:30 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>It's been answered previously, don't forget to use our Forum's search feature.[/b]

Originally posted by michelle@Aug 10 2004, 01:59 PM
What are you putting into the search box? I put in: Nike

The thread is the fourth result, "Nike ad w/ Serena Williams"
One unhelpful answer and a snide answer from an admin?! Those answers can be summed up by something along the lines of: "did you search? I did. i got it."

A good answer would be to suggest search AND offer up a link.

Heck, even suggesting the all too obvious search 'nike' is helpful but this:

@Aug 10 2004, 01:59 PM
What are you putting into the search box? I put in: Nike

The thread is the fourth result, "Nike ad w/ Serena Williams"
Well, at leas the thread topic is provided but I got abone to pick with "the fourth result". That's great but what about in a month or two? A year or two? Or a decade or two? Oh, sure, I may be looking too far ahead* but the effort expended to help could havebeen done without the condescension and with a link.

*Three weeks later, the "answer" is now link no. 12. See my point?!

Now, I must do an overly simplified search for 'nike' and hope it is the fourth link otherwise an idiot like me will be completely clueless cuz I might have a typo in my search (see below).

My results
The song can be found at adtunes here, Nike Speed: Tennis Instructor, He Needs Me, and here, Nike Speed: Tennis Instructor - I Adore You. In the case of the former, the answer was provided by the person starting that thread with the topic of what?! "Nike - Tennis" and this wasn't returned as a result by my search for "Nike tennis" (without the quotes)?! WTF has happened to this website in the last year?! It keeps getting worse and worse. Argh!!!! In the case of the latter, the answer was deemed sufficient by the same well-meaning but unhelpful admin here.

BTW, the Google search on the front page didn't work. And the forum search requires an exact phrase of nike - tennis but not nike - tennis?! The only difference is the dash, which should be ignored, anyway. Keyword or exact phrase?! Bah! This is stoopid. Please provide an intelligent way for searching like keywords, AND, OR, ALL, etc. Thanks. Oh, wait. My bad. This board is powered by invision. Oh, that was needless. invision does great work. Seriously.

Yeah, I know, Chill out, Dude! Exercise* those demons. I will. Nebbermind.

*Yes, a logical/relevant pun on exorcise.

Thanks for all the hard work, admins (esp. that in this case thr admin answered in 23 minutes! Bravo!!!). I know reminding morons to search is needed but more and more the case is -- as it was here -- is that the search engine needs improving and/or flexibility. Thank you! (See top italics.)
First of all, if you have a problem with a Site Admin or this site in general, it belongs in the Site Feedback section of our Forums.

Originally posted by charbroil+--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (charbroil)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by michelle@Aug 10 2004, 01:59 PM
What are you putting into the search box? I put in: Nike 

The thread is the fourth result, "Nike ad w/ Serena Williams"
One unhelpful answer and a snide answer from an admin?! Those answers can be summed up by something along the lines of: "did you search? I did. i got it."[/b]

How is this considered "condescending"? I was attempting to understand why the poster couldn't get any results and help him out.


Well, at leas the thread topic is provided but I got abone to pick with "the fourth result". That's great but what about in a month or two?[/quote]

You're right, it's not helpful, and in the future I will avoid directly pointing out where a thread may (or may not) appear in the Search results order. You'll notice that all the duplicate threads get merged together anyway -- so eventually directly linking to a post about the same topic in a different thread runs the risk of becoming null and void regardless -- Which probably explains my lack of commitment in providing an exact link, especially if the answer can be found on page one of the search results at the time. However, if it's a buried answer that I spend a lot of time searching for myself, I'll link to it.

I think I'm pretty patient with most people on here, and I'm sorry if I didn't meet your expectations. I can only do so much, and I don't have the energy to hold everyone's hand when it comes to searching -- hence the dreaded :usesearch: You can lead a horse to water, but you can make him drink.

We are aware of the quirkiness factor of our Search Function. There isn't much we can do right now. This site is owned and run by two people, on their own time and dollar. We don't have the means or plans for an overhaul of the system right now. All things considered, I think the Search works pretty well.