Mountain Dew MDX animals singing


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I am looking for a downloadable movie file (mov, mpg, avi, etc.) of the Mountain Dew commercial "All Night Long" with all the animals singing. The only thing I can find of the ad is in flash at, but I would like to put this into my "funnies" folder for viewing offline. Anyone know where to get this?

The song is sooo familiar but I cannot recal it.It goes like"all night long,all night" sang by a person with a jamaican accent.The commercial is animals singing this song
It's not the Lionel Ritchie tune your thinking of, obviously sung by someone else, is it?
thanx,that is it!I knew it was him,but you know how sometimes it gets out of your head and you can't remember it. :-)thanx again
There's this fairly new MDX Energy Drink commercial. It shows a bunch of animals alive at night, but kind of in green. Owls, Snakes, Bats, etc. And the lyrics go something like this:

All night long, all night, all night.... all night... all night long, etc.

Anyone know the song? Thanks!
it's an infared camera picture of noctunel animals, with the animals mouths amazingly sycornized with the music. computers were probably used. the words are "were going to party, feista, all nite long" to my knollege, it sounded like an older song, but i've never heard it before.
to clarify the ad was for moutain dew's new product, moutain dew mdx the ad campain is called "be nocturnel" the ad can be vewied here here

it is the frist ad on the page, please help me, thanx
Those words are from 'All Night Long' by Lionel Richey. Is that it?
Does anyone know the song that plays in the new Mountain Dew energy drink commercial? It has a bat flying and singing and it is all in black and green and it the slogan is something like "Be Nocturnal." Thanks!
Looking for the song that plays in this commercial, its done in nightvision style, with animals that look like they are singing along with the song. not sure what the commercial is for...but i love the song, and its making me crazy that i cant think of it :)

Please help
