Love Song played on 81..on XM


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Is there anyway I could get a previous song list of all the songs that were played todayon the BPM station of XM? I am really interested in knowing what song was played on BPM about noon eastern time. I want to know because I really liked the song. I think that the title was something like "I love you as you are" But I know the title included "like" it is really a complex title and I forgot the title and the artist. I remember the artist was a female and the name started with a J or a T....Can anyone help?

Hmm.....yes they do have a song list, but unfortunately a very small one. The song that I wanted isn't in that list.....I tried contacting them today and they just snubbed me off because I couldn't give them the exact time or exact name of the song......not very pleasant. I am beginning to doubt I will find it unless I spend endless hours of my life listening to the radio
Ugh, sorry you got snubbed.
I listen to BPM alot, so I will listen for you and hopefully we'll figure it out ;)
Yess! I finally found it.......its called Lay All Your Love On Me by Sylver ...... a very awesome song indeed...I can't believe I found it..they played it again later on today and I heard it! Yippee!
Originally posted by aaronkephart@Aug 4 2006, 05:51 PM
Yess! I finally found it.......its called Lay All Your Love On Me by Sylver ...... a very awesome song indeed...I can't believe I found it..they played it again later on today and I heard it! Yippee!
Ahhh.....I love that song too. I looooved the Erasure cover a few years back. Ok...more than a few years back.... ;)

Glad you found it! :P