Line of Fire


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Does anybody know what song is it during the commercial for line of fire on ABC? :blink:
If I'm thinking of the right commercial, the song is "Right Here, Right Now" by Fatboy Slim. You can find it on the album "You've Come a Long Way, Baby".
hey i have been looking for this song and i heard it on a recent commercial for this new mob show on t.v. i think its on abc and its like the background music and theres no words but i really would like to find that song so if anyones knows that the heck i'm talking about hit me up thanks :D
If you are talking about the new show called "In the Line of Fire" (? I think that's right), then I think the song you are referring to is "Right Here, Right Now" by FatBoy Slim. It is on the "As Seen on TV: Songs from Commercials" CD.

I hope this helps! :)
2 Days? I've been trying to find out what the name of that song for at least a couple of years. Its also in the movie "The Skulls" with Luke McNamara and Paul Walker.
Oh yea, this is the song. I knew I had the cd in my collection >300 cd's. I knew it had to be some kind of electronic/techno music. Thanks for the info save me from asking the record store again and trying to humm it to the sales people as to what is this song.

Many thanks!
Man, that was driving me crazy too, I just decided to sit down tonight and try to figure out what song that was, and I found this post! Just wanted to say thanks a bunch for sharing this with us! Rock on!

THANK YOU SO MUCH. I'm so glad this page was ranked #1 on google. Been looking for this song for so long too. the kick ass sample they use unfortunately has no lyrics so kinda hard to find :) i just founda new favorite forum/site!
:o!! Wow, thanks!! I have been looking for this song. I love it. I have the preview promo for "Ling of Fire" taped so I watch it a few times just to hear this song. It's so amazing :D.
Does anyone know what the song was? I know I've heard it from other commercials before, but I don't remember which ones. Any help would be greatly appreciated.