what up everyone? I got bored so I decided to make a topic.... I call it the general thought. I have no idea why I made this topicin the first place cause really had nothing in mind to talk about.... but its got me thinking...I know everyone has an hobby so I was thinking whats your most loved hobby? or the something t hat you find you spend the most of the hours of the day doing? whatever it may be... just what is it.....
Personally I find most of my hours in sleep, don't know why but atleast when ever I get up I'm wide awake and ready to take on any challenge the world has
So whats yours...? :blink: ...and does it have to do with marbles? :huh:
Personally I find most of my hours in sleep, don't know why but atleast when ever I get up I'm wide awake and ready to take on any challenge the world has
So whats yours...? :blink: ...and does it have to do with marbles? :huh: