Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


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just got my first listen...and it is awesome...even though it isnt john williams...but instead patrick doyle...the soundtrack was better than i expected...

the songs i liked were

cedric..really sad..and gave me goosebumps...
quiditch world cup...awesome...
and the adventure continues...sounds real spooky...
This is the night....stuck in my head

I cant wait to buy this....so cool :)
wow....u really wanna find out eh?lolz...i answered...
does anyone know if there is any other way to listen to the new hp gof soundtrack other than AOL b/c my AOL connections is slow and takes a long time to load the songs. thanks for the help.
How unusual to have a soundtrack like that. So many pop songs.

Effective though. Kinda like the French OST of March Of The Penguins (much better then the US OST).
The Black Lake is definently the best score. really good score
I really like that one too...
I like most of it to be truthfull..listening to it for a week...

I really cant wait for this movie!
I just bought this soundtrack yesterday. I like it! I didn't really like the first two Harry Potter soundtracks - too repetetive of Hedwig's Theme. Prisoner of Azkaban was excellent. And I really like Goblet of Fire too. However, as someone who listens almost entirely to instumental pieces, I wasn't so fond of the three songs at the end, although This Is the Night is sorta catchy. ^_^
I can't recall having heard Patrick Doyle's work anywhere else, but he does very well. Was there a reason John Williams didn't continue with the series this time, or did they just want a fresh sound for this film? And is it just me, or does Patrick Doyle seem to have a bit of a Danny Elfman flavor to his music? I like it!

Goblet of Fire is so far my favorite of the Harry Potter books. I'm looking forward to seeing the movie!!
While John Williams soundtracks were somewhat repetative, atleast they sounded magical. This is an unpleasant unwanted change in the music, in my opinion. I didn't like any of them to tell ya the truth.
Hi, I just watched the new harry potter & the goblet fire movie on dvd. There is a scene when foreign vistors arive at hogwarts. There is a 30 second clip that plays when the visitors from russia or some country like that arive. Its not the women vistors in blue dress song. The song sounds like it could be the group Stomp. Its instrumental and goes along with the vistors smacking there walking sticks on the ground when they enter the room. I have the soundtrack and there is a song called foreign visitors arive but that is not the song. Any ideas?
Hmm, yes. Durmstrang :P Viktor Krum is delicious

anyways, i wouldn't say stomp, stomp has a more "happier" tone. I'll try and look it up. so, you want the music from Durmstrang or Beauxbatons entrance?
Ah, that particular part was also in the begginning during the The Quidditch World Cup scene after Victor Krum was instruduced. It sounded sorta of tribal with the stamping and the occational manly grunts "ha!" and "whuu!". That one right?

That song is number 3, "The Quidditch World Cup" but, you have to wait for it. It isn't going to start immediately. After approx. 49 seconds you'll hear it for sure. :)
yea thats the part i'm talking about. I have the quidditch song and I have heard the part that sounds like the visitor entrance scene. Just wondering if who the artist is and if their is a full length song besides the john williams clip on the soundtrack.
There's no artist. It's composed and conducted by James Shearman @ The London Symphony Orchestra. Nope, that's all it is. There is no full length version. :(
alright that news blows, but thanks for helpin out. I ripped the 30 second clip off the movie so I have it to listen to whenever. thanks again.
Originally posted by farbeyond@Mar 12 2006, 09:00 PM
Just wondering if who the artist is and if their is a full length song besides the john williams clip on the soundtrack.
It's score composed by Patrick Doyle not John Williams.
Hey, everyone.

There is a stringed theme that recurs throughout HP and the Goblet of Fire. In one of the final tracks, "Voldemort," it can be heard at about 8 minutes 54 seconds (8:54). Now, I know this isn't the first time in the movie that this is played...

I checked the track "Death of Cedric" and it might be a variation of this theme, but it doesn't sound exact.

Does anyone know any other tracks from the soundtrack that contain this theme? Thanks!