Ghost Rider


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does anyone know who sings the version of "Ghost Riders in the sky" right at the end of the movie?
What is the song title in the soundtrack when he starts to turn into the Ghost Rider?
I have no idea why I put spoiler up there. Its not really a spoiler lol. I feel stupid....
Maybe you can recognize it from this list. Note: I don't believe this list is accurate due to the fact it does not include the song "Ghost Riders in the Sky" by Spiderbait. Hope it helps for now.

1. Ghost Rider
2. Blackheart Beat
3. Artistry in Death
4. A Thing for Karen Carpenter
5. Cemetery Dance
6. More Sinister Than Popcorn
7. No Way to Wisdom
8. Chain Chariot
9. Santa Sardonicus
10. Penance Stare
11. San Venganza
12. Blood Signature
13. Serenade to a Daredevil's Devil
14. Nebuchadnezzar Phase
15. The West was Built on Legends
Yeah, I know all the track names. But I just want one of the songs from iTunes. Thats why im trying to figure out what song it is.
I love this song; unfortunately, it's not included on the soundtrack, it's not on any of Spiderbait's albums, and it's not available for download on iTunes. Does anyone know if it will ever be released as a single or on any CD/album? I'd really like to be able to listen to it at my own discretion, instead o f having to listen to it when the DVD comes out, lol.
I don't know. I'm aware of Spiderbait covering Black Betty, however, both their web site and other info suggest that they perform "Ghost Riders in the Sky" for the soundtrack with no mention of Black Betty.
No, they're not the same song. Spiderbait has covered both songs, and they ARE totally different songs.
found ghost riders in the sky on bear share dot com

great song

like black betty also
The name of the song is "Ghost Riders in the Sky". It is by Spiderbait, and it is not on the soundtrack. I had to get it from an "internet source", if you know what I mean. It stinks that it is such a great song, and isn't on the soundtrack! It's like a teaser!