Coke addd


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Does ne1 know the title to the coca-cola advert were the teenagers r riding round on pallet trolleys, photo copiers and BMXing into the ocean, Skateboarding etc

What did the music sound like? Tempo, genre, lyrics, male/female vocals, etc?
YES! i wanna find that sonG too~
it iz pretty upbeat-sorta punk rock? male vocals
i think the lyrics go sumthing like this [not sure but] :
there is a summer, a summer time for everyone of us
there is a summer, a summer time for everyone of us
--power chords--
i never wanna be...
plz.. if ne1 knowz wut song it iz plz post it up!!
thanQ! :D
Did anyone find out who sings this? I would also like to know. Great song!
hey all,

yea i know the name of the band etc who sings that song...such a good song eh

the band is called New End Original, and the song is called Lukewarm

have fun
Originally posted by envision@May 19 2004, 01:49 AM
the band is called New End Original, and the song is called Lukewarm
You can hear an audio sample of the song here. Found on the album, "Thriller."
you guys are legends! i have been looking for the name of that song for sooooooooo long. i live in new zealand and absoloutly love it, thankyou so much! :P :D