Alexander McQueen FW 05

The second song is by The Angels - My Boyfriend's Back
The last song is by Martha Reeves and the Vandellas - Heatwave

Most of these songs are from the 60's...

One of the songs also sounded like Buddy Holly (maybe :huh: )
First song: 00:01 ?
Second song: 01:00 "My Boyfriends Back" - The Shirelles
Thrid song: 02:13 ?
Fourth Song: 02:55 ?
Fifth song: 03:35 "Trouble" - Elvis Presley
Sixth song: 04:04 ?
Seventh song: 04:56 "Heat Wave" - Martha Reeves and the Vandellas
First song: Shakin' All Over Johnny Kidd and the Pirates
Second song: My Boyfriends Back The Angels
Thrid song: Jukebox Babe Alan Vega
Fourth Song: Party Lights Claudine Clark
Fifth song: Trouble/ Guitar Man (Opening Version Take 1, 1968 TV Special) Elvis Presley
Sixth song: Heat Wave Martha Reeves and the Vandellas