A Very Very Bad Day

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Ok, so I'm trying to find out the name/artist of a song on a recentish TV ad that was shown in Canada. Unfortunately I can't recall the commercial, but it may have been something to do with a charity for kids in Africa.

It's a slow song sung by a man, with the lyrics "a very very bad day"
"If I Know You" by Nerina Pallot?

Well it could have been a Sunday
Or it could have been the next day
Or it could have been any day at all
And it could have been a good day
Or a very very bad day
When you made your grand arrival, I can recall

Maybe a man is covering the woman's song. It does happen. <_<

Got more lyrics? :blink:

no more lyrics I'm afraid. And I haven't seen the ad lately either. I could have sworn it was REM, but I don't think it is.